Computer special key effective

Computer special key effective

Special keyEffective

Enter - After giving a command to the computer to send that command to the computer's brain, that is, to the processor, you have to press the Enter key. It is also used to move the cursor from one line to another while typing.

Caps Lock - While typing, you see that you have to type in capital letters anywhere. In this case, typing something comes in uppercase letters or capital letters. When you press this key again, the light goes out. Then when you type something, it comes in lowercase letters or small letters.

Shift - When Caps Lock is off, pressing any character with Shift Key brings uppercase letters, and when Caps Lock is turned on, the opposite reaction occurs, that is, pressing any character with Shift Key moves uppercase letters.



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            Computer special key effective

                            Special Keys

 Enter Key, Delete Key, Tap Shift, Home, Page Down, Page Up, Ctrl, Capslock, Spacebar, End 


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